A few words with…
Jonatan Hofslagare, new Application Engineer at GAIA BioMaterials.
GAIA BioMaterials (GB): You only started working for GAIA a couple of months ago, so understandably you still need to process your impressions, but how do you rate your experience so far?
Jonatan Hofslagare (JH): I’m still in the honeymoon phase, so things might still change, but so far things have been everything I hoped for. And then some. I really look forward to getting into the nitty gritty of GAIA’s materials, and how I can help the customers utilizing them in the best way possible.
GB: You have an extensive background within thermoplastics and packaging manufacturing, and it would it be fair to say that you are hitting the ground running at GAIA, so which previous experiences do you believe will benefit you the most in your new role? And for those not familiar with the work of an Application Engineer, what is your role?

JH: I am very fortunate to have been working for two of the largest plastics manufacturing companies in Sweden before coming to GAIA, so I would like to think that I can contribute with the know-how necessary to move projects and processes forward. Now, I am not trying to suggest that the way I have done things previously is better than how things are currently done at GAIA, but I firmly believe that progress comes from being open to new ideas and impressions, and to value each others experiences and opinions. As the Application Engineer I will act as a Liaison Officer, working with the different people involved, inside and outside of the organisation, insofar that all information will pass through me. As such I am responsible for holding together and progressing the project from an operational point of view.
GB: What made you want to work for GAIA?
HA: I came across Biodolomer® while working for one of my previous employers during a few different projects, and I was impressed by the material. Now, I have worked with a substantial amount of bioplastics up until now, and most of them promise much more than their performance eventually deliver on, while Biodolomer actually worked as promised; both at the conversion and for the end use applications. I knew that if the opportunity ever arose, I would like to contribute to the ongoing development of the company and the materials.
GB: Finally, what do you look forward to the most working for GAIA?
JH: Getting to know more about Biodolomer® ranks high among my priorities, obviously, but I am also really looking forward to working with our customers. By better understanding their priorities and needs; why they are interested in compostable alternatives for their products and applications, and what they expect from Biodolomer®, I am convinced that I can help the process move forward towards a successful implementation.
Published date
2 okt. 2024