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- This is us: Part 1 – Peter Barry
GAIA startpage This is us: Part 1 – Peter Barry This is us: Part 1 – Peter Barry Peter Barry joined Gaia’s board of directors earlier this year following his investment in the company. But what brings an Irishman from the tea industry to a Swedish company working to phase out the world’s use of plastics? Peter Barry was born into tea. His family founded and runs Ireland’s leading tea brand – Barry’s Tea – and Peter was involved in various small jobs at the company from a young age. After finishing school, Peter left Ireland for the UK in 1989 to start working for Typhoo Tea, where he stayed for 16 years before becoming a director at the contract tea-packaging company Infusion GB. “We package about 1 billion tea bags annually, and that’s just one company in one industry,” says Peter Barry. “The packaging industry has an enormous impact on the environment, and it’s our duty to make ourselves part of the solution since we are part of the problem.” It was through another company that Peter first came into contact with Gaia Biomaterials, and the concept immediately fascinated him. “The fact that there is a material that can replace plastic, is compostable, has a very low CO2 footprint, and is made from one of the most common minerals on the planet is incredible. It seemed almost too good to be true, and I was a little hesitant at first.” After doing his research, he realized that Gaia’s material, Biodolomer, is very much “the real deal.” During the latest investment round, Peter became an investor in the company and joined its board of directors. “Biodolomer is being used in everything from grocery bags to beer cups and pots for plants. The potential is huge. We’ve already tried using Biodolomer in envelopes for tea bags at Infusion GB, and the results are very promising. The engineers say it’s the best material they’ve come across in 40 years – and it uses 50% less energy.” Peter now works to keep brands and packaging companies in other sectors interested and informed on how compostability can solve many problems. “I come from within the industry, so I bring a certain credibility to the table. There’s a lot of conservatism and a mindset of ‘we can’t do that.’ “It’s like in Ireland when smoking was banned in bars and restaurants – we were the first in Europe to do that. Before it came into force, there was a lot of disgruntlement, but once implemented, it wasn’t a big deal. Now, it just seems strange that people used to smoke in pubs… It’s the same for plastic packaging. Once people understand that there’s a realistic alternative, they’ll realize it was much ado about nothing.” Published date 13 dec. 2024 Category
- Home compostable Clam Shell packaging
GAIA startpage Home compostable Clam Shell packaging Home compostable Clam Shell packaging Gaia Biomaterials is part of the EU-project SISTERS. A project that aims to develop new ways to reduce food waste reduce food waste in in Europe through innovations. One way of doing this is by developing new packaging materials with low environmental footprint. We have produced a new compostable thermoform material by combining Biodolomer T and the innovative CarbiosActive enzyme technology, the material will decompose faster and at ambient temperatures. We aim to get HOME compost certification in 2025. The first demonstrators have now been shipped to the projects validation partners. Read more here Published date 29 nov. 2024 Category News
- Home compostable Clam Shell packaging
Home compostable Clam Shell packaging GAIA startpage Home compostable Clam Shell packaging Home compostable Clam Shell packaging Gaia Biomaterials is part of the EU-project SISTERS. A project that aims to develop new ways to reduce food waste reduce food waste in in Europe through innovations. One way of doing this is by developing new packaging materials with low environmental footprint. We have produced a new compostable thermoform material by combining Biodolomer T and the innovative CarbiosActive enzyme technology, the material will decompose faster and at ambient temperatures. We aim to get HOME compost certification in 2025. The first demonstrators have now been shipped to the projects validation partners. Read more here: https://sistersproject.eu/ Contact us
- UK Foreign Secretary highlights biodegradable fishing nets made from Swedish material in policy speech
GAIA startpage UK Foreign Secretary highlights biodegradable fishing nets made from Swedish material in policy speech UK Foreign Secretary highlights biodegradable fishing nets made from Swedish material in policy speech The UK’s new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, recently delivered a major policy speech addressing the climate crisis. In his speech, he highlighted biodegradable fishing nets as an example of initiatives made possible through British investments. These nets, developed in South Africa using Swedish material, have the potential to completely eliminate the problem of ghost nets in the oceans over time. Photo: Konrad Rosén – R&D Manager at Gaia Biomaterials, with the biodegradable fishing net. The Swedish company Gaia Biomaterials, based in Helsingborg, developed the bioplastic material – Biodolomer – which is used to produce the nets. The material is compostable and does not release microplastics. Biodolomer is used fpr a variety of applications, including grocery bags, disposable aprons, and drinking straws. For several years, the company has been working with South African company Catchgreen, supported by the UK Foreign Office, to develop a version of the material for the fishing industry: Biodolomer Ocean. “Fishing nets that end up in the oceans becom ghost nets and pose an enormous problem,” says Konrad Rosén, Head of Development at Gaia Biomaterials. “They can float around for hundreds of years, becoming deadly traps for marine animals while also releasing microplastics.” Gaia Biomaterials’ new material has been tested in Africa for several years, and has been used in inland fishing, seaweed, and coral farming in Kenya, a country with strict regulations on plastic use. Recently, the first complete net made from this material was finished and showcased at an international fishing exhibition in Iceland. Published date 2 okt. 2024 Category News
- Detta är inte en plastkasse. Nu slipper den äntligen beskattas som om den var det.
GAIA startpage Detta är inte en plastkasse. Nu slipper den äntligen beskattas som om den var det. Detta är inte en plastkasse. Nu slipper den äntligen beskattas som om den var det. Kassen på bilden är gjord av Biodolomer – ett material som vi på Gaia Biomaterials har utvecklat. Från och med den 1 november slipper den straffskatt. Biodolomer är komposterbart i hemkompost och ersätter plast. Basen är kalksten (närmare bestämt krita) och det är perfekt för starka bärkassar. När ”plastpåseskatten” kom blev vi först glada. Äntligen skulle fossil plast få bära sina kostnader. Mängden eviga plastpåsar i hav och natur skulle minska. Alla skulle inse att det finns moderna bärkassar som inte avger mikroplaster och som bryts ner och inte använder jordbruksmark för produktion. Men oj. Vilken lång näsa vi fick … Det visade sig att ”plastpåseskatten” inte alls var en skatt på plastpåsar. Den var ”skatten-på-bärkassar-som-inte-är-av-papper”. Våra svenska komposterbara kassar av krita fick samma skatt som om de var gjorda av fossil plast. Men importerade plastpåsar på rulle var fortsatt skattefria. Liksom de där plastpåsarna som alla kläder ligger i när de kommer till affären. Vårt problem var tydligen att vårt material känns som plast och fungerar som plast. Att det inte ÄR plast var oväsentligt. Över en natt dog marknaden. I Sverige. I andra länder var man lite klurigare. Trots att man har samma mål. Till och med i länder där man helt förbjudit engångsprodukter av plast säger man att ”Det där ni hittat på är ju faktiskt supersmart. Det ger samma funktion som en plastkasse – men utan problemen.” Under åren som gått har vårt material använts över hela världen för sugrör, påsar, odlingsfilmer, ölmuggar, bestick, förkläden, planteringskrukor, matförpackningar, flaskor och till och med fiskenät. Allt komposterbart. Utan att avge mikroplaster. Och upp till 80 % lägre CO2 utsläpp än fossila plaster vid förbränning. Nu den 1 november försvinner skatten tack och lov. I Helsingborg rullar maskinerna och vi anställer mer personal. Tyvärr försvinner skatten inte bara på kloka bärkassar utan även på de som inte är nedbrytningsbara. Nu gäller det att veta skillnaden. Både som kund i butiken och som inköpare. På våra kassar står det Gaia BioMaterials. Kontakta Louise Knutsson om du vil ha prover och mer info! +46 (0)704 355 330 Louise.knutsson@gaiabiomaterials.com Published date 28 okt. 2024 Category News
- Comeback for GAIAs Compostable carrier bags
GAIA startpage The end of the Swedish bag tax spells comeback for GAIA’s Compostable carrier bags The end of the Swedish bag tax spells comeback for GAIA’s Compostable carrier bags The upcoming removal of the plastic bag tax has rejuvenated the domestic interest for GAIA’s compostable carrier bags, which had all but vanished after the introduction of the tax. Several Swedish companies have reached out to GAIA, declaring an interest in selling the bags once the tax is removed, with one company willing to jump the gun and reintroducing the bags immediately, citing the desire to walk the talk when it comes to sustainability; both from the company, as well as its customers. GAIA's biodegradable and compostable carrier bag (Photo: Genberg & Co.) In the years prior to the tax, GAIA experienced a rapid increase of its market share, with customers favouring its compostable and biodegradable bags made from Biodolomer over the standard plastic counterparts. That all came to an abrupt end, with sales volumes reduced by more than 95% year on year, upon the introduction of the tax. Viewed by many as a flop that ended up bringing in a fraction of its estimated revenue, while the sales of non-taxed plastic bags increased sharply, the Swedish plastic bag tax will be removed on November 1st of this year, meaning that the additional cost of 3,60 SEK and 0,40 SEK (incl. VAT), for carrier bags and fruit & vegetable pouches respectively, will become a memory of the past. Being one of the more vocal adversaries of the tax, GAIA fought hard to have the tax removed, writing opinion pieces criticizing the law, and meeting with several members of the Swedish parliament’s tax and environmental committees to gain support for our standpoint. We now look forward to once again being able to offer the Swedish market what we consider a superior solution, without being hamstrung by a regulation that should never have been introduced in the first place. Published date 2 okt. 2024 Category Newsletter
- Shower curtain holders | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable
Shower curtain holders GAIA startpage Shower curtain holders Traditionally, plastic is used to produce many things, shower curtain holders for example. By making shower curtain holders out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial, you drastically reduce waste and CO2 emissions. While still achieving precisely the same function. And a product that accidentally finds itself in nature will biodegrade and disappear. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us
- Film Blowing | GAIA BioMaterials | Compostable
Film Blowing GAIA startpage Film Blowing All film blowing Film blowing in a sustainable way. Whatever you produce with film blowing, the odds are that compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial from GAIA BioMaterials can make those products biodegradable and your company a part of the sustainable transition. Just replace the current plastic you use with Biodolomer® compound, change a few settings, and you will become a producer of compostable plastic bags, aprons, wrapping film, or whatever you specialize in. “Compostable” as in “actually decomposes in a regular home compost.” Leaving no microplastics and resulting in some 80 % lower CO2 emissions. Add to that the fact that your machines can run at a lower temperature and produce at least at the same speed as with plastic – often faster. Plus, that Biodolomer® compound is made in Sweden, using calcium carbonate. Try it. It’s just like plastic. But not. Here are some products that are produced with film blowing using Biodolomer® F compounds: Interested in knowing more about how to blow film with Biodolomer® F compounds? Click here for a step-by-step production guide. Shoe cover See product Hair covers See product Aprons See product Automotive covers See product Banana tree bags See product Bedsheets See product Bibs See product Bubble wrap See product Load more Load more
Biodolomer® F 900310 GAIA startpage 900310 Biodolomer® F 900310 is a biodegradable biomaterial developed for film blowing applications. It is certified for home composting. It is basically a compound of a biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyester (PBAT), minerals, and plant based oils. Biodolomer® F 900310 offers a great down gauging potential needed for thin film applications like carrier bags, waste bags, aprons, breathable films, etc. Biodolomer® F exhibits the following properties: Processing temperature between 140 - 155 Celsius Excellent process-ability on conventional blown film lines Down gauging to 10 μm possible, typical thicknesses: 18 -120 μm Good mechanical properties Wet strength (e. g. Organic waste bag applications) Excellent welding properties Decor printable by water-based flexo printing Certified biodegradable at ambient temperatures up to 70 μm Ready to use grade The typical blow-up ratios are between 1:2.5 and 1:3. Trials are always recommended to assess the quality of the final product. Property Unit Test method Grade 900310 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900310 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® F fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it is degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® F is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® F is supplied as lenticular pellets in 1 t big bags. any time. Storage time of unopened bags is at least 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® F has been developed for the conversion to flexible films using blown film process. In view of numerous factors influencing functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® films and finished articles made thereof the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Additionally sufficient field tests are required to ensure the right functionality of the articles made from Biodolomer® F. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF